random findings, Uncategorized 0 comments on Random Findings VII

Random Findings VII

“I want you to remember to have great strength and have great courage. There can always be a little bit of fear or nervousness, but courage overcomes that. Your desire to win, to be the best you can be, becomes greater than anything you fear. That’s courage. That’s how you do it.”

     – Kay Yow

random findings, Uncategorized 0 comments on Origami Gone Wild

Origami Gone Wild

I definitely did origami as a kid. In fact, I can make a mean swan, and every now and then my swan will flap its wings. That is the extent of chaos that exists in my world of origami. These guys have taken it above and beyond the call of duty. Absolutely crazy. I’m going to spend one weekend trying out their creations. Just amazing!

Origami Gurus