Our new CEO, Ian Small, made a point of making commitments to hard deadlines and hard actions, and then following up on those items when the time comes. I really like this sense of accountability. When you’re behind, then you need to be able to account for what went wrong. When you accomplish your goal, you are forced to stop and evaluate what you actually accomplished, and clearly define what’s coming next. It forces a level of maturity into the process. With that in mind, I’m announcing, just in time for the upcoming football season, that I will be starting a weekly video show where I will be going over the lines for a select set of NCAA and NFL games, and publishing my predictions on this blog. I will then, on the following Tuesday, publish my results as well as some analysis that I plan to build over the course of the season. I may also build an RoR application around all of the stats (as a way to learn the language and framework), but that’s getting slightly ahead of myself.

I will be using the Wednesday lines from SportsInteraction to make sure to include the Thursday night game. This could make things a bit more interesting for the NFL, and so I may need to do a follow up video if the games I pick have enough movement in either the lines or in injuries.

I’m really excited about this, as it allows me to do a bunch of things I enjoy all in one place. I’m going to use technology. I’m going to build out a full system to run it. I’m going to use visualization. I’m going to be gambling. And, I’m going to be bringing it all together with a video show. It’s going to be a blast, and it all starts this Wednesday (which is also my brother’s 20th birthday)!